Friday, May 28, 2010

Platonic colour-holic_Japan Fashion Week_2010

Firstly when I look at these
designers collections, I was shocked, because of the
using opposite colours that matches perfectly.

Their use of these dominant and various colours
within the collection was not odd at all.
I guess that's because of the colours
were toned down a little bit to be
able to mix well.

Again, give the designer a big hand!

everlasting Sprout_Designer: 村松 啓市

This designer introduce twist and knotting
embellishment on the garments which can be
used as a tool to balance the proportion.
Again, Nice modern colour palette.

Satoru_Matsuda_Designer: 松田 悟

amazing colour choices with wool and jersey

SHIDA TATSUYA_Designer: 信太 達哉

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